November Link Love

Happy November everyone!

How are we doing? Good, I hope? I am doing swell (and I don’t use that word lightly). And it weirdly connects to my home computer breaking down.

Mid month, my computer stopped working. So I am currently updating on my cell phone. lt’s beyond inconvenient, thus making it easy to cut out a large portion of web browsing from my daily life. And despite a couple of other hurdles here and there, October was a highly fulfilling month filled with morning walks, good conversation and even a short hike!

This month is going to continue to be computer-less. This should help with my productivity, especially since I have a list the length of my arm of people I need to write a letter to. I know, who does that anymore? But, I do 🙂

What are you up to lately? x

——————————————————-Link Love——————————————————-

– Ways to say no, thank you.

– Baseball is bigger than baseball

– A lovely  visual introduction to kanji.

– That was way harsh, Tai.

– To broadcast your deepest secrets.

– This is all true.

The Addiction to Leaf Gradations

First step to recovery is to admit.
So you heard it here first…I am addicted to fall foliage. More specifically, cherry tree leaves.
Last year, I had fun with colored leaves. But this year, I’ve gone a step further and discovered the beauty of dried colored leaves, if only because I left the leaves out too long after taking a photo.
Aren’t they beautiful?

How are you enjoying fall? x

The Ayame Festival in Ibaraki

Japan enjoys flower festivals.
So much so that it’s almost impossible to get through a season without stumbling upon one flower festival or another. This was back in June (can we just pause the calendar for a minute? time flies!), when my sisters and I got together in Ibaraki, and because this Ayame Festival is apparently pretty famous in these parts, we decided to stop by.
The festival features Ayame, a type of Japanese Iris. A sign said that there were over 500 types of iris growing here. I had no idea there were so many types! We saw a variety of purple and yellow iris, all very delicate and beautiful. I liked how the park had many walkways so you could really see the iris up close.
There is a river the flows along the flower park and you could take a ride up the river in a boat, where someone rows for you old-school style. The park also has a very unique bridge that gives you a great view from above and is picturesque from bellow.
Here are some photos: 

Did you go to any flower festivals this year? Which are your favorites?

Suigo Itako Ayame Park, 1-5 Itako-shi Ibaraki JAPAN
茨城県潮来市あやめ1-5 水郷潮来あやめ園
TEL: 0299-63-1187
Annual Festival: Mid-May to late-June