The December Link Love

Happy jolly month of December to youuuuuuuuuu!

You didn’t think I’d just fade away into the new year, did you? I’d like to say that neither broken computer nor depressing short daylight could keep me away from updating this blog. But in fact, it had.

Until the Christmas miracle. You guys, my computer is still aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!

It’s a little shaky and shuts down automatically sometimes, but I’ve decided to appreciate the time I have left with my computer. Hopefully I’ll have enough time to also begin posting photos from this summer, which I have been wanting to do for a long time.

Speaking of Christmas, how are you going to enjoy the holidays this year?

I’m actually going to be travelling again. Christmas travel may become a tradition for me (I went to DC last year)…although not sure it’s the best time for travel really. I missed one of my flights last year and had to reschedule, but hopefully that won’t happen again this year. The plan is to head home to Ehime for new years via Helsinki and Kobe!

Oh, and this winter? If the snow in November (which hasn’t happened in Tokyo for over 50 years) is any indication, Tokyo may actually get a real winter this year (and by real, I mean piles of snow)! Whoo hoo!!!

I am excited and even thinking about getting snow boots. Ha.

Well, whether you get snow or not, I hope you are enjoying the jolly joyful season that is the year end holidays! x

——————————————————-Link Love——————————————————-

Chuckles all around.

– Finally made my way here.

– Let it snow…in Tokyo!

Christmas trees from around the world.

– But actually this tree is my favorite this year.

This is all kinds of sweet.

– It’s time to choose…this, this or this?