That Christmas Holiday in Osaka

Heading home for Christmas!

One of the great things about a window seat.
This fantastic view!

Finally got my hands on anย ICOCA.
This view from the river says
“you’re home” to me.

Ever since I started living on my own
Christmas has been just a regular day at work.
But this year I took a few extra days off
so I could go home for Christmas.
Before I know it, I am helping out at church,
standing at the reception desk of the Christmas concert.
Feels like home ๐Ÿ˜€
Merry Christmas! x

That Week Home in Osaka

*Throwback Thursday: I’m slowly (very slowly) going to be bringing my old posts to this blog.

Came back to Osaka to
visit my parents!
You never know whey they’ll move again
so now it the time to learn Kansai-benย ๐Ÿ™‚

Osaka station is brand-spankin new.
Look at this view from the escalator
terrifyingly amazing.
But I think I like the park by our home the best.
The park with the Osaka Castle.
It’s relatively people-free on weekdays
especially now, since there are almost no tourists.
Osaka is still bright and glittery,
something that we haven’t seen in Tokyo of late.
Something about Osaka.
Makes me feel free.

That New Years Family Photo

January 1st, 2011
It’s the year of rabbit and
our family is finally all together for new years.
Of course, we once again took our nengajo photos on the first day of the year
when most people’s nengajo are already delivered to our post box.
So…you’ve been warned.
They will get there around the 5th…hopefully. haha.
Wishing you a great year in 2011 ๐Ÿ˜€

That Sister Time in Osaka

The church in Osaka is beautiful.
Apparently it was built around the pipe organ.
I love the wood and lights!
After church, I took pictures with my baby sister.
She’s still into her fake glasses ๐Ÿ˜‰

Because we only get to see each other once or twice a year
I try to soak up sister time when I have it.
She’ll be going to boarding school next year
which means even less sister time.
She’s growing up so fast.
Being so many years apart has its perks,
I can give her advice and of course buy her things.
But I wish we were all still living together.
I miss having everyone together.
I don’t get bonding time with her
as much as I did with my other sister growing up.
Hope she knows that I love her dearly
even though we’re miles apart most of the time.

That Pathway of Roses in Osaka

They say roses are cliche
but I still think they’re still beautiful.
Look at all these colors!
Nakanoshima is a little island
in the middle of Okawa river in Osaka.
They have a large rose garden that blooms this season.
It’s called “Pathway of Roses.”
We took a walk there one afternoon
and not only were they pretty but smelled lovely, too!

That Walk Around Osaka

I came home to Osaka
and found my entire family down with the flu.
Actually my baby sister was okay.
But instead of a festive Christmas
we had a very low-key holiday this year.
It was actually kind of nice to just relax and take it slow.

After lazying around at home
I decided I needed to get out and explore a bit.
So my baby sister and I took the subway
into the city for some shopping!