The September Link Love

Happy September everyone!

Is it just me or does it feel like fall all of a sudden? Here I am wanting to cling onto summer for a bit longer and wearing a sundress and I step outside and it’s cardigan weather? WHAT. IS. HAPPENING. This is not the heat island Tokyo weather I’m used to and I feel a bit confused.

Well, enough about the weather. How are you? I hope you’ve had a great summer!

I had a really great summer actually, all surrounding the big family event of the year…my sister’s wedding! It was wonderfully joyous with a bit of chaos thrown in, which I think makes for the best parties. It was quite the Mountain Day (the day of their wedding was on a new Japanese holiday that was just established this year) for our family!

I would tell you all about it except my computer broke down (so long ago that I don’t even remember when…) and I am too lazy to write blog posts on my cellphone.

I could completely overcome this hurdle by just buying a new computer, but was all things in life, you sort of get used to not having something. I haven’t had a tv for over 5 years now and I don’t really miss it. The same thing is slowly happening with my computer, too.

One the one hand, I have more time to swim, read, or sleep when I would have previously just watched an episode of something on the computer. But on the other hand, I really want to catch up on watching all the Elementary episodes while organizing all my photos, especially for the blog. Blog posts are always a place for me to remember things by…so I really want to share photos from Germany and Kobe before I forget everything. And more importantly, apparently Sherlock Season 4 is set to begin in 2017 so I DEFINITELY need a new computer by then.

All this to say, I am enjoying my computer-less days while I can because it’s not something I can live without for long…but until then, my blog posts may be very sporadic.

But I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying this gradual shift from summer to fall! xx

——————————————————-Link Love——————————————————-

– Some days are totally like this.

– Amazing views.

– How many have you tried from this list?

This hashtag is everything.

– Who left an impression on you at the Olympics? (Me: Fu Yuanhui, Michelle Carter, Yusra Mardini and Saori Yoshida, to name a few)