The Relay Marathon

A relay marathon is when a certain number of people
run the full marathon as a relay.
And last weekend I participated in one!!!
Most of my teammates run on a regular basis.
Which I think is crazy.
I obviously am not a runner.
I kind of hate running and avoid it at all costs.
But I am also a sucker for team work.
And when they needed one more runner
I thought, how bad can it be?
(the race started like a stampede of wild horses)
Can you believe how fast these people run?
They were running like it was a 100 meter race.
Granted it’s a relay, but still, come on.
I was really nervous when my turn came around.
Mostly because my month of training
mostly consisted of image training.
But huffing and puffing
and occasionally blowing my nose (hay fever)
I managed to finish my run without embarrassing myself.
My teammates were amazing!
We had so much fun rooting each other on.
That was the best part, in my opinion.
And we were able to finish the relay marathon
within our goal time of 4 hours!
Yay for us!!!
All in all it was a great day.
And we all celebrated with a big nomikai!!!

(we finished the race matsuri style. haha)
(not too shabby for adults who sit around the office all day, right?)
(group picture after we all ran through the goal together!)