That Day Exploring Kagoshima

The day after the wedding, after our morning coffee,
we all met at the hotel’s breakfast buffet.


We also had a great view of Sakurajima,
Kagoshima’s famous active volcano.
You can see it was quite active this day, too.
Then we were off on our way to Ibusuki.
This place is famous for Ibusuki onsen,
where they bury you in the sand!
It’s a must in Kagoshima!
We all changed into yukatas and got these adorable umbrellas
before heading out to the shore to be buried.
They bury you in a place with a tent above you
so you don’t get burned from the sun.
But we had a great view of the sky
while in the sand.

Here we are after sweating it out in the sand!
Of course, after that we went inside and
got to wash off and relax in the onsen.
Next we went to eat Nagashi Somen (flowing noodles) for lunch,
which is apparently a Kagoshima standard.
They said that 9/10 families have a
nagashi somen kit at home.
How crazy is that?

Tosenkyo (唐船峡)

5967 Kaimon-juccho, Ibusuki-shi, Kagoshima JAPAN

TEL: 0993-32-2143
OPEN: 10:00am-5:00pm

I know, it’s just regular somen
being flung round and around by the water.
But you have to admit
it’s a lot of fun to eat together like this!

We also stopped by Lake Ikeda,
the largest lake in Kyushu.

We then drove back to the city
and all too soon headed back to the airport.
I was holding the little bouquet of flowers I received
and little R decided she wanted to do the same.
Too stinkin’ cute!

So sad to have this weekend over.
Including getting to eat this purple yam soft serve.

I’ll be back! x